The Real Self-Care We All Should Be Practicing

We all hear the term ‘self-care’ these days, but what does it really mean?

Self-care is often masked as pampering ourselves (nails done hair done everything did!) but people tend to misuse that term. REAL self-care is about taking care of the inner you, your soul so to speak (physical, emotional and mental care). Real self-care isn’t luxury or capitalism, its discipline and setting boundaries. I feel when you fall in the trap of the capitalism version of self-care, you’re covering up and not trying to deal with reality. Self-care helps you reduce stress, anxiety and depression, not giving you reasons to put off things you need to address. Escaping is temporary and leads to your stressors waiting for you when you come back. We abuse ourselves and our mental state when we do so much for others and not enough for ourselves.

Here are some helpful ways you can practice real self-care and healing:

  • Eating foods that will improve your health

  • Exercising

  • Setting boundaries

  • Saying ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do

  • Practice positive self talk - daily affirmations

  • Therapy

  • Forgiving yourself

  • Address your problems - healing from toxic past behaviors, people, etc.

  • Be kind to yourself

  • Meditate

  • Read

  • Get rest

  • Surround yourself with people who add to your energy and doesn’t drain you of it

Remember, although manicures/pedicures/bubble baths are great for relaxing and makes us feel good in the moment, don’t neglect the true self-care we all should be doing: taking care of our mental, physical and emotional needs!


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